We are delighted you stopped by. Come back often to read about this weeks "song of the week" (always a free download at our website: www.reflectworship.com) and our many other thoughts and musings which hopefully you find inspiring and encouraging to your faith in Jesus. It is here that we explore what it means to love and know Jesus, and discuss what faith and the Christian life should look like in todays post-modern world. So join the discussion by including your comments (which will be moderated lest there be profanity, etc...) thanks for listening and your valuable contribution to this blog. ~ Daniel


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Important Reflect Ministry Update

Hello Friends and Family,

Would you please take a moment to read this important update about this very important ministry to the elderly in Nursing Homes?

As some of you may know, Catherine and I are launching into full-time music ministry. We are delighted to be able to serve God with our music in a variety of ways, leading worship, releasing CDs, playing concerts, and serving the elderly in nursing homes.

I (Daniel) stay very busy with over 30 concerts a month in nursing homes. Sharing the Gospel and Gospel music at Nursing homes has been a very rewarding experience in most every way… except financially.

I am a musicianary (that’s musician and missionary) to those in nursing homes. I use music to share the good news of Jesus that others might come to know him. I have a strong sense of urgency in my ministry to them for two reasons; first, I don’t know how much longer I can work because Jesus could return at any moment, and second, because those I am serving are, to be honest, near death. Nearly every story on my nursing home ministry blog is about people who have already passed away in the three years I have been doing this.

I believe in this ministry! So much so that I have been donating my time, money, and resources into this. The Lord put it on my heart to start passing out Large Print Gospels of John in the nursing homes. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. Many who have received them were very grateful and at some places they are going to begin doing a bible study out of this Gospel! How exciting!

When they ask me what I charge for them, I tell them that they are a gift from people who have donated toward my ministry and want to bless you. Thank you to all who have given toward this ministry for making this possible! For 85 cents you can put a Large Print Gospel of John into the hands of a grateful someone who will read it and grow closer to Jesus.

I want to be able to provide these Large Print Gospels of John at every ministry concert that I do to everyone who would want them, but as I told my wife, at the rate I have been handing them out (about a hundred a week), we need to raise some funds! Will you help us?

I just need some more of my brothers and sisters in Christ to catch the vision for what the Lord is doing through this ministry and lend a helping hand.

Here are a few things you could do:

  • Pray for us! Here is a link to our PRAYER LETTER which expresses the heart and needs of this ministry.
  • Financially support our ministry! A simple way to do this is download our albums at our WEBSITE (www.reflectworship.com), we raise funds for our ministry and you get some music to enjoy – a win win for the both of us. They are only $6.00 per album to download.
  • Or, you could mail a check made out to Adullam Vineyard (write Daniel & Catherine in the memo line) to: 
1234 Main Street
Green Bay, WI  54302

(What we do is now an extension of the ministry of our church Adullam Vineyard in Green Bay. So all gifts are tax deductible)

  • Or, if you're really inspired, you can go directly to BIBLICA.COM and order a box or two of Large Print Gospels of John and have them sent to the above address.

Please help us with this ministry!

Thank you and God bless you,

Daniel & Catherine Lovett

Next Concert :

Cup O Joy, GB
Friday, August 6th, at 7:30 p.m.
(We will be sharing the stage with our friend and drummer Jon Sergott as he releases his CD "Dust Like Us" - See website for details)

:: Reflect HYMN CD

This album has now been distributed to nearly every Nursing Home facility in Northeast WI! It is being used for the worship time at bible studies, listened to over the dinner hour, and blessing those in their final moments.

My wife and I will be releasing another album soon! (We are so excited about this album!!!) We are giving away samples of our music at our website in order to "find our audience" so we have people to release our new music to.

We now have this free music available right from our front page on our website: www.reflectworship.com

So please download and enjoy and tell your friends!

Our upcoming release will be a mix of message songs
(of God's love and forgiveness) and worship (responding to God's love and forgiveness) and will be entitled: "I Will Bring You Peace".

We want to reach this world with the message of God's grace and redemption! Would you help us?

Would you please pass this news on to a friend - who doesn't love free music?

Thanks for listening,


Our CD's are available online at our website www.reflectworship.com and also at:
  • Lighthouse Christian Books in Green Bay and
  • Family Christian Stores in Appleton

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