We are delighted you stopped by. Come back often to read about this weeks "song of the week" (always a free download at our website: www.reflectworship.com) and our many other thoughts and musings which hopefully you find inspiring and encouraging to your faith in Jesus. It is here that we explore what it means to love and know Jesus, and discuss what faith and the Christian life should look like in todays post-modern world. So join the discussion by including your comments (which will be moderated lest there be profanity, etc...) thanks for listening and your valuable contribution to this blog. ~ Daniel


Monday, October 27, 2008

"tiny hands" (free song download)

Above is my very first music video feauturing a song called "Tiny Hands". It was inspired by the amazing movie "Bella", but mostly by my sister-in-law Stacy and her little girl Ava.

Stacy was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the blood and soon after learned that she was pregnant. She was advised by her doctors to abort her child in order to recieve the treatment that would prolong her life. She refused and expected, for all practical purposes, to deliver the child and die soon after. All of her family and friends began praying for her situation and asked that the Lord would heal her. I still remember the shocking and surprising phone call we recieved the day we heard the news that the cancer was gone. The Lord had answered our prayers and healed her. She gave birth to a happy and healthy daughter named Ava Grace. Ava is truly the happiest baby I have ever seen and has given me insight into the joy of God. Whenever I vote, the overriding issue for me is a baby's right to live. But this is not just an issue for the election year.

A friend of mine made the comment that people only brought up the issue of abortion and were "prolife" once every four years. He said that this wasn't really being prolife, it was being anti-abortion - and not very effective at that.

It is true that this uncomfortable topic is brought before the public when this nation is choosing leaders who might effect the laws that permit mothers to "abort their pregnancy". Why should we suffer needlessly the three plus years after election day by brooding on this atrocity? BUT, in response to my friends comment I say that if those in favor of the murder of infants can call themselves "prochoice", then certianly those who oppose the murder of infants can call themselves "prolife".

We don't live in the dark ages. I so appreciate seeing that commercial that shows the baby in the womb and a woman narrating about its heartbeat at so many weeks, and the stages of the babies development. She finishes by saying that she once thought of it as a blob of tissue and now she sees just how wrong she was.

This has been going on for far too long in this nation. Yet so many of us are silent on this issue. There is no overwhelming outcry against abortion. So what are our leaders to think? They represent us don't they? They represent the fact that we care more for our wealth, our individuality, and our precious freedom of choice, then we do about the rights of the unborn.

Will you help me change this? Why must it be the policy of the Republicans to be prolife, and the Democrats policy to be "prochoice"? Why can't it be everyones policy to give an unborn child the right to live? I believe that if we all continue to stand for truth and justice that we can change the world. Much like William Wilborforce stood against the profitible and dispicable practice of the slave trade in England, we must stand against the murder of children in "God blessed" America.

This is a human rights issue. A human being has a right to live.

I honestly don't know if we will ever be able to legally defend the life of the unborn. I don't know if the laws will ever change. Be we can and ought to do what we can, reaching one person at a time with the message that each new life is precious, a gift from God to be cherished and loved.

This is why I am offering my song "tiny hands" as a free dowload. All I ask is that you will pass it on to a friend. Send them a link to this page. Send the song as an email attachment. Just please pass it on. If even just one woman decides to keep and cherish her child. It will be worth it. This is my gift to you... this is my gift to the world.

(visit this website to download-->"www.reflectworship.com/freesong")

Please pray with me and fight with me for the unborn! Do what you can while God lends us breath to pursue justice and truth and most of all, love.

I was thinking this morning about the scars, both physically and emotionally, that women carry the rest of their lives after an abortion. Many of us are trying to be sensitive to them and not raise such a painful issue. But future pain can be avoided, and present pain can be healed.

My wife and I recently watched a movie that "lit a candle in our heart" and spoiled us by showing us what a good movie is all about. The movie is called Bella. Make it the next one you rent and be blessed.

Thanks for listening,

Daniel Lovett


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1 comment:

Daniel & Catherine Lovett said...

Comment sent to me from Fran Engle:

The story of Ava is powerful and precious! The inspired song, a treasure from God to help us remember that children are a GIFT from the Lord!

When I was in 6th grade, I remember the day that Roe vs. Wade became the new law of the land. As a child I was horrified that the adults had agreed and made it a law that people could choose to take the life of their unborn child. Since that dreadful day, few leaders in our land have stood up for the innocent children who have no voice of their own.

Much like those who spend their last days in nursing homes having lost their ability to defend or fight for themselves, they are dependent on others who will speak up for them and fight for their rights and remember them. God never forgets those He has created in His own image and given life.

Thank you Daniel for standing up with your voice and your musical gift to help others stand up too and fight together, each in his own way, for the lonely, the innocent, the poor and the forgotten. You are a warrior in blue jeans....Fran

Your friend in Christ,

Fran Engle

Shepherd's Care Community Outreach
