I was playing a show the other day at an assisted living place in Stevens Point and just as I had started playing "Somewhere over the Rainbow", I sensed the Lord tell me, "not this song now, play something else." "But I've already started it" I thought. “Just stop and play another.” "Ok."
So I did. I just stopped playing and made some comment about not practicing that song (as if I had to). Then I started playing a song I wrote based out of Psalm 139 and started talking about the Lord and his love for us.
I told them, “Did you know that in Psalm 139 it says that the Lord thinks about us more than there is sand on the seashore? He sure must love us a great deal to think so much of us.”
As I was singing the chorus, "And when I think of your great love, it moves me, it moves me..." In walks a group of kids. They had come to spend some time with the folks there that day. After the song I started sharing about a song that had been on my heart all week. In fact I had been singing as I woke that morning. "If there's such thing as too beautiful, if there's such thing as too wonderful, if there's such thing as too marvelous, Jesus it's you, Jesus it's you!"
This idea really excites and encourages me - that Jesus is so far more beautiful, wonderful and marvelous than we could possibly imagine, there is so much more to Jesus - he is our endless treasure. There is a journey to better and brighter things as we grow in love with him and deeper in relationship to God.
So I was sharing some of these thoughts and all the while, these kids were in the back listening. Then I realized that this was why Jesus had me stop playing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" to a song and message that would bring life. Pretty awesome!
I found out later that my wife had been praying for me earlier that day that God would lead me song by song.
thanks for listening,
Daniel Lovett