We are delighted you stopped by. Come back often to read about this weeks "song of the week" (always a free download at our website: www.reflectworship.com) and our many other thoughts and musings which hopefully you find inspiring and encouraging to your faith in Jesus. It is here that we explore what it means to love and know Jesus, and discuss what faith and the Christian life should look like in todays post-modern world. So join the discussion by including your comments (which will be moderated lest there be profanity, etc...) thanks for listening and your valuable contribution to this blog. ~ Daniel


Thursday, January 15, 2009

"a persons a person, no matter how small"

On new years day my wife and I watched the animated Dr. Seuss film “Horton Hears a Who”. The movie was hilarious and I laughed quite a bit, but it also gave me something to ponder on. One of the lines that Horton repeats a number of times is this:

“…a persons a person no matter how small.”

After the movie was over and I was reflecting on it, I had an “omigosh” moment when I considered the implications as this relates to conception and the question, “when does life begin?”

I don't know if Dr. Seuss, whose books have delighted and entertained children for years, believed in life at conception. But, his book “Horton Hears a Who” was all about life that was found on a “speck”. And, when you think about it, isn’t that what the earth is in the vastness of the universe? Just a “speck”?

I think that if God respects the lives we live on this “speck” called earth, shouldn’t we also have respect for the life in the “speck” that is a conceived human child?

After all, “a persons a person no matter how small.”

It is my desire to convey the message that each new life is meant to be valued, cherished and most of all, loved. So I wrote a song called “tiny hands” that I think beautifully expresses that message.

I am offering this song as a free download – and all I ask is that you pass it on. Consider forwarding this message on and help me in this effort to reach and change the world one person at a time.

Visit www.reflectworship.com/freesong to watch the music video, read about the inspiration behind the song, and download “tiny hands”.


Daniel Lovett

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